Thursday, October 28, 2010

Our Journeys

Week of Oct 18th to Oct 27th 2010

We had a lovely restful week at Duck - well, restful except for the fact that I was researching books for "The Feminine Divine." We saw the sunrise several mornings and shared the coming of dusk a number of evenings down by the ocean. We also had a few friends, Candy and her niece, visit with us there.

Right now, I am on the second of three nights of lectures here in the Charleston SC area. Last night did "Sticks, Stones, and Straw" - Had a group of about 26 or so - best presentation ever on this material .Very responsive crowd! This lecture uses stories to bring to attention some of the challenges we are/will be facing. Also we are encouraged to recognize our own power to alter the reality around us.

Our hosts are Tammy and Daniel have been wonderful to us, even to letting Nybor play with their computer!

Tonight will be the virgin offering of "The Feminine Divine." I’m very excited about it. We will also be doing this at FPG in Ocala for the Samhain Festival being held Nov 4th – 7th.

The Feminine Divine – Thought Forms and Archetypes
with Elspeth of Haven

For more than 2000 years the projective qualities of might-makes-right, competition, logic, and the-ends-justify-the-means have vastly overshadowed the receptive qualities of cooperation, compassion, justice, intuition and relationship. This has given us a world of constant war, public and private destruction of the earth, vast material gains of the few at the expense of our human and spiritual development.

This unparalleled spread of unconstrained power is most evident in western culture, where the balance of power is off so badly. Could that relate to the fact that in these "First World" countries the Goddesses, divine personifications of female attributes, have been left out of our culture?

Using Nybor's 13 Goddess paintings and some other images, we will seek them and call back some of the power and honor we have let drift away.

I will tell you more about the FPG classes later.

Bright Blessings to All